About & Contacts

South Trumpington Parish Meeting is open to all registered electors living within the South Trumpington Parish Boundary (map link). It is a meeting of the electors for the benefit of the local area. All descisions are made by the electors at a meeting which can include giving of grants, responding to consultations on local issues and providing local services. The Parish Meeting is directly funded from your Council Tax and has the power increase, or decrease, part of your bill.


Philip Stott


Ben Stoehr
01954 210241

Elected Representatives

South Cambridgeshire District Councillors

Representing the Harston & Comberton Ward (the Parishes of Barton, Comberton, Coton, Grantchester, Harlton, Harston, Haslingfield, Hauxton and South Trumpington)

Cambridgeshire County Councillors

Representing the Sawston and Shelford Ward


 Ian Sollom
Ian Sollom MP – Website Link