M11 Park & Ride Provision meeting 13 February 2018

M11 Park & Ride Provision meeting 13 February 2018

The next meeting for the M11 Park & Ride Provision Engagement Group has been scheduled for Tuesday 13 February 6:00pm – 8:00pm at Harston Village Hall. 20 High St, Harston, Cambridge CB22 7PX

An agenda for this meeting can be found here. M11 Park & Ride Provision meeting 13 February 2018 agenda.

Please note new web link for this project: https://www.greatercambridge.org.uk/transport/transport-projects/western-orbital/m11parkandride/

Notes from the last meeting can be found on our website: https://www.greatercambridge.org.uk/download/5268/Western%20Orbital%20Site%20Specific%20Consultation%20Group%2013.12.17.pptx?type=inline

If you plan on attending this meeting, please confirm your intent to contactus@greatercambridge.org.uk.